What we do
The Queensland Integrity Commissioner is a statutory office holder and officer of Queensland Parliament. The Commissioner's functions and responsibilities are set out in the Integrity Act 2009 (Qld).
The role of the Integrity Commissioner involves:
- Providing confidential advice on ethics and integrity issues to current and, in certain cases, former Ministers, members of the Legislative Assembly, ministerial chiefs of staff, senior public servants, statutory office holders, and other persons or classes of persons prescribed by regulation.
- Providing advice to members of the Legislative Assembly on ethics or integrity issues relevant to their disclosure of interests under the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001.
- Providing advice to the Premier, where requested, on standard setting for ethics or integrity issues.
- Raising public awareness of ethics and integrity matters.
- Maintaining the Queensland Lobbying Register.
- Registering lobbyists and administering the lobbying regulatory scheme.
- Providing education and training to government representatives, Opposition representatives, and registered lobbyists about lobbying regulation in Queensland.